Pre-Op Instructions

Clothing - Please wear loose fitting clothing with short sleeves to allow for ease of access to arms and comfortable shoes.

Eating/Drinking - With intravenous anesthesia, NOTHING to eat or drink foods and liquids six (6) hours prior to your appointment. This includes water.

Jewelry - Please remove ALL JEWELRY including: earrings, rings, lip and tongue rings prior to arriving at the office for surgery.

Medications - Take all prescribed medication on the day of surgery unless specifically instructed by Dr. Allen to discontinue it prior to surgery. If having intravenous anesthesia, it is acceptable to take any medication with a small sip of water.

Escorts- Persons having anesthesia are required to have a responsible person 18 years of age present in the office for the duration of the procedure. Surgery will not begin until this person is present in the office. This person will be expected to receive post-operative instructions and drive the patient home.

Misc- No Acrylic nails and or nail polish on right hand. Please refrain from using any hand lotion on the day of surgery.  If you develop a cold or other illness prior to your appointment, be sure to call the office to determine if surgery should be postponed.

After Anesthesia

  • Do not plan to drive a vehicle the same day
  • Do not plan to undertake any business negations that day
  • Plan to rest, preferably at home, for the remainder of the day after surgery